Synopsis of Boruto Episode 74, 75, 76: Boruto's Struggle to Meet Hakuja Sennin!

Synopsis of Boruto episodes 74, 75, and 76 confirms that in the upcoming episodes Boruto and Sarada must meet Hakuja Sennin, the snake who once gave Kabuto strength!
Boruto's Struggle to Meet Hakuja Sennin

Episode 74 and 75 Synopsis: Special 1 Hour Boruto

The mystery of Mitsuki's loss was a long end. To understand the motivations of Mitsuki's actions, Boruto and Sarada decided to look for Hakuja Sennin. This one snake hermit is the boss of Cave Ryuchi, and the figure who once helped Kabuto to gain his strength.

What will happen to Boruto ? This is presented in the synopsis of Boruto episodes 74, 75 and 76!

Boruto's Struggle to Meet Hakuja Sennin
 Delivery Schedule: September 20
Synopsis: Looking for clues about Mitsuki's whereabouts, Boruto and Sarada decided to go to the Cave of Ryuji, the place of Hakuja Sennin that Orochimaru talked about.  Unfortunately, they didn't know where Ryuchi Cave was. Even worse, Team 10 led by Moegi also intercepted their way to take them home in any way. Boruto and Sarada successfully escaped from Team 10, but can they get to Hakuja Sennin?

September 27 and October 4 Holidays

As you can see from the synopsis of Boruto episode 74 above, episodes 74 and 75 will be aired in a row on September 20th. Episode 74 should also start earlier than usual, which is in the Pokemon anime showtime slot But after that you have to get ready to dry first, because Boruto will be off from September 27 to October 4, before finally returning to the new schedule.

Synopsis Episode 76
Boruto's Struggle to Meet Hakuja Sennin
Display Schedule: October 7
Hakuja Sennin asked Boruto and Sarada to get scales named Gekirin from the wild snake Garaga. When they roam Cave Ryuchi to get Gekirin, a large snake appears in front of them.This snake is actually Garada, but Boruto and Sarada have difficulty, unable to deal with the greatness and size of Garaga. Meanwhile, Moegi from Team 10 reports back to Konoha. From Moegi's report, it seems that someone who obtained secret knowledge about the village might be connected with Mitsuki's disappearance.
So, note yes guys .
September 27 to October 4, Boruto is on holiday. Then the series will return on October 7, Sunday. Mitsuki's flow also turned out to be longer than expected. It is also interesting to see the synopsis above mentioning Sarada and Boruto to explore the Ryuchi Cave. How come the writer thought Sarada would get a Kuchiyose snake someday. Will it be true? Let's just look at the episode. 
What do you think of this synopsis of Boruto episodes 74, 75, and 76? Convey in the comments column!

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